SEO Cold Marketing Strategy and Execution

Organized, researched, and executed a marketing strategy for accumulating new company leads. By organizing an effective SEO plan, my team was able to gather over 100 new leads in only a few months, solely due to a cold keyword strategy.


Before my team planned and executed our strategy…

Our company, UDA Technologies, relied on paid lead generation. Our company paid for software leads from sites like SoftwareAdvice, Capterra, and through Google Ads. Our company also gathered a list of leads from the trade show every year, which was a large expense on the company’s behalf. There was no marketing strategy in place to receive leads for free.

I already had SEO experience from previous positions, my colleague Caroline had experience from running her own personal blog, and my colleague Alex was certified in SEO through Semrush and Hubspot. Combined, the three of us saw the need for a consistent blog strategy moving forward.

The software and construction markets in 2024 had not been very successful. Many smaller construction companies were not getting jobs due to the housing market. When construction companies are out of business, our construction software company naturally would follow suit. Therefore, the need to expand our outreach grew every day.

Let’s start with the facts.

Caroline and I began publishing blog posts in April of 2024. From 2017-2023, only 32% of our company’s content had been indexed by Google. This means that in the eyes of search engines, only 32% of the content that my company had published was deemed worthy to appear in search results.

68% of published content was seen as low-quality.

2017-2023 indexed chart


My team’s combined expertise planned a strategy to change these statistics and gain more web traffic. With me and Caroline writing blogs and researching topics, Alex researching and listing valuable keywords, and our colleague Cody creating free and downloadable resources, we were equipped to execute this strategy.

Our plan was to research popular topics in the construction industry, but not topics that were too popular to rank for. With the right planning and resources, we were able to find a definitive list of topics to capitalize on. By taking advantage of the gaps in search engines, we could simultaneously improve our web credibility and bring more visibility to our blog; ultimately bringing in more leads and business as a whole.

We took the initiative.

At the time, our company’s executive was very focused on big-picture ideas, and less focused on how these ideas should be executed. Our company wanted consistent blogging but was unsure of where to start.

That’s where we came in. My drive and proactive nature is what sparked the project. We had collectively come up with the plan, but I took the first step and confidently presented the idea to our executive team. From there, we organized a meeting. My team presented our plan, stated that we would start posting weekly, and then received the green light that day.

The Process:

  • All valuable blog posts start with the proper research. The research we conducted included using SEO tools like Semrush, connecting with our clients directly and through industry news, and paying close attention to the content our competitors would post.

    1. We first had to keep a close eye on the industry; What questions were our audience asking? What information were they looking for? What words were they searching?

    2. Then, we had to determine the opportunity in these areas. Is the volume of existing content too high for us to rank? Will these topics get enough searches to be worth our efforts? How can we diversify our content to ensure individuality?

    3. Finally, we had to figure out how to increase reader stickiness. How do we turn a reader into a lead? How do we capitalize on this added traffic as much as possible?

  • In addition to our other responsibilities in the company, we began writing optimizing, and publishing our blog posts.

    1. During the writing process, we used SEO tools to determine the desired length of each post.

    2. We used SEO writing assistant tools and AI to optimize the reading level of our posts; ensuring that our content would be increasingly accessible to individuals our desired audience's industry.

      For instance, in order to reach a larger audience in the construction industry, my team had to write at a lower reading level than what we had been trained to write in. This is because the construction industry is very accessible compared to others. This is often due to (but not limited to) lower education requirements to enter the construction industry and more opportunity for individuals who speak a primary language other than English.

    3. We used SEO tools to ensure proper keyword density standards.

  • Soon after we began to notice an increase in traffic to our website, we introduced easy ways to gather information from clients.

    1. My team member, Alex, performed research to identify gaps in free and downloadable resources.

    2. He then presented the initial ideas to our team member, Cody, to begin the drafting of the free resources. Cody created easy-to-use and downloadable templates like free Estimating templates, a Scope of Work template, a CRM Tracking template, and a Project Health template.

    3. Our readers would then be required to input their name and an email address to receive the free template.

    4. From there, it was my responsibility to personally reach out to each of these leads to provide them with more information on our software. After a defined cycle of outreach, these contacts would be added to our regular email marketing cycle.

  • Only half of the work in blogging is writing and publishing. The other half is monitoring progress, making updates, and adding more information as needed. For instance, linking blogs to one another is a crucial part of a successful SEO strategy. Interlinking directs readers to other pages which improves your site's credibility, and ultimately implicitly outlines the reader's cycle throughout your site.

    1. Our executive team wanted us to add content in our strategy that we could send out to our current clients that would also be optimized for our SEO strategy.

    2. As we started to see results and more aspects to track, I saw that we needed a holistic reference point to easily see any gaps in our own content, and updates that needed to be made along the way.

    3. I am an incredibly organized person, so I immediately got started on a spreadsheet for our team to be able to track internal links, included resources, internal campaigns, different purposes, dates, and more. See the spreadsheet below.

The Results

The Results

More Indexed Content:

From April 2024 to July 2024, my team published 17 blog posts. Out of the 17 blog posts, a shocking 100% of those posts that we published were indexed by SERPS. This means that each of the posts we wrote and published were deemed valuable content by search engines.

More Site Clicks:

From July 2023 to July 2024, 58% of the total overall clicks our site had gotten from Google came directly from our 17 blog posts that were posted within four months.

2024 indexed posts

More Site Traffic:

From December 2023 (when I began posting blog posts for my IBS 2024 marketing campaign) through July 2024, our Google console traffic increased tremendously.

google clicks 2024